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Schedule of Events:


Onsite Registration/Check In:   8:00 am - 9:00 am

Mandatory Riders Meeting:        9:00 am - 9:15 am


Wake Divisions:


NOVICE WAKE:            No Inverts 10 Years & Older - No Inverts

GROM WAKE:              Riders under 9 Years Old & Under - No Inverts

GROM PRO:                 Riders under 9 Years Old & Under - No Limits.

INTERMEDIATE WAKE:  Riders who can do 2 or less inverts - All Ages

MASTERS WAKE:           All Levels - Over 35 years Old

ADVANCED WAKE:       All Ages:  5 or Less InvertsA

OPEN WAKE:                All Levels - Anything Goes.


Surf Divisions:


NOVICE SURF:         10 Years & Older:  Choose this division if you can get up on your surfer and ready to compete...with or without the rope. Our Judges are looking for board control and speed control.....also looking for how you attack the wave, carving skills and overall style.


GROM SURF:            Riders 9 & under Designed for the first time competitors and focused on kidding these grom rippers started on the water. As long as you can get up on a wakesurfer...thisistheirdivision. Goalisforthemtobeabletosurfwithouttheropeand stay in the way – demonstration of their board control – speed control.


INTERMEDIATE SURF:  (All Ages): So you can drop the rope, stay in the pocket and starting to add to your trick bag...this may be you. Show us your drop knee, surface 3, best slaysh or even a drop knee. Key here is NO air tricks, or shuvs allowed in this group or you’ll be called a sandbagger. Just sayin


ADVANCED SURF: you’ve got your 3’s down, airs, slayshs and even maybe a shuv...well this is your division.....And yes, you can bring some of those novice and intermediate foundational skills to the party also...but the tech tricks are what takes home the metal.


MASTERS SURF:            (35 and Up). No Rules.....just bring the good stuff





Before You Ride:


Registration Paperwork:

You must check in and verify all entry forms, liability sheets, and WWA Membership is in place.


Board Inspection:

You will need to bring your board to be inspected by our staff for safety. Bring your board to the east side of the registration tent and have it checked by our Pro-Staff. All riders must have their boards checked before the competition or they you will not be allowed to compete. 


Check the Running Order:

Running orders are posted by our Entry Table. Make sure you find your division and name on the running order. If you do not see it, contact our entry clerk to verify you are properly registered for this event. The order of competition divisions is as follows:

WAKE DIVISIONS: Novice, Grom, Grom Pro, Intermediate, Masters, Advanced, and Outlaw. 

SURF DIVISIONS:  Novice, Grom, Intermediate, Advanced, Masters

Tournament Format:

  • The format for the tournament is a One Round - Expression Session Format. Do whatever you want behind the boat (within legal limits), but most importantly have FUN!

  • Check the rules for your specific division and specific trick limits. If you exceed the amount of inverts for your given division, we will be pumped to see that you have more tricks in your bag than you thought, but you will be disqualified.  

  • Judging starts from the time you leave the dock till the time you return. Due to the width of the lake, there will not be any double ups; however, you can add a final trick while returning to the dock.

  • You are responsible for making sure that the driver knows your boat speed.

  • Make sure you know when you ride, have your rope “de-knotted”, and are ready to go.  We will not wait on you.

  • Make sure you have a life vest and an “untangled” rope to use. If you do not have one let us know. 

  • All riders must have a tournament bib on in order to ride. If you forgot yours, you can borrow one from another rider or purchase a new one for $40.00. 




  • The judging, just like any type of sports judging, is totally subjective. We do our best to judge fairly. If you have an issue with your score, you can inquire about it respectfully, but please keep it professional. Our judges always strive to do their best.

  • We choose judges have decades of combined experience judging tournaments and the Gravel Tour. We select a group of judges who are prior Gravel Tour competitors, and some have experience riding at an elite level worldwide. They are accomplished in the field and very knowledgeable. 

  • You will be judged from the time you leave the dock till you return back to the dock

  • Novice and Grom Classes will be allowed 3 falls. All other classes will be allowed a maximum of 2 falls.

  • Remember that Gravel Tour is all about having FUN and fostering interest and camaraderie in the local wakeboarding community. We strive to create a friendly competition and we ask all riders to remember that their actions set an example for the youngest riders just starting out in the sport. Please be a role model for them! 




1355 Sand Lake Road

Suite 1

Orlando, FL 32809



Tel: 1 (407) 859-7544

© 2024 Performance Ski and Surf. All Rights Reserved.


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